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बुनियादी तथ्य

इंग्लिश Dwarka
हिन्दी द्वारका
थित ब्लू लाइन

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पहली ट्रेन/आखिरी ट्रेन

द्वारका के आसपास की तस्वीरें

On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo

On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo
Copyright: Gurpreet Singh Padam https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

  • On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo
  • On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo
  • On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo
  • On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo
  • On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Devansh Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a l On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Devansh Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a l
  • On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen)   So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo On 18 June 2017, #Father's day, Amit Shokeen got a sweet and lovely #baby (Danish Shokeen) So #precious, so #small, so #sweet. Two #tiny hands, two tiny feet. #Cute #smiles and endless #giggles, #sweet nothings and #adorable #wriggles. All this and a lo

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